My friend bought a hybrid and...
I do have to giggle when I see folks pay a $5000 or $10,000 premium for hybrid vehicles. See, automobile emissions are 15% of the total manmade CO2, which is only 3-4% of the total CO2 produced yearly. If *everyone* got out of their cars and simply stopped driving, mankind’s CO2 would still be, well, around 3% of the total CO2 produced. The idea that a hybrid car, or even millions of hybrid cars, somehow makes a difference in CO2 emissions is beautifully laughable.
Wait, wait! There’s MORE. You must then make the stupefyingly arrogant assumption that we can somehow *change it back!*
And then I see and I read Pelosi telling us that GW is coming, and that our salvation is giving her power. Power to tax. Power to regulate.